The NSW Government has introduced a Right to Farm Bill, which contains a range of new measures intended to protect farmers from undue interference. The Bill provides for a potential jail sentence of up to 3 years for trespasses on farm land. This follows the introduction of new provisions of the Biosecurity Act which set on-the-spot-fines for trespassers on farms with biosecurity plans. The new Bill will make penalties for farm trespass in NSW the harshest in the nation. The Bill also recognises the right to farm, by shielding farmers from nuisance claims submitted by neighbours or third parties. The Bill will introduce measures that prevent courts from ordering an injunction against lawful farming activities, which neighbours consider to be a nuisance for reasons such as noise or smells produced. This is an especially important provision for farmers in areas of urban sprawl. Contact M+E for further information about the Right to Farm Bill.