man walking with briefcase

COVID-19 has impacted almost every business in some way. Employers and employees have both rights and responsibilities during this challenging time. There are differing entitlements for taking unpaid/paid leave or not attending work for employees who are at risk, who are caring for a family member who has COVID-19 or where they need to care for children who may not be able to attend school. Employer’s also have responsibilities to ensure any privacy obligations are fulfilled where employees are working from home.

Managing cash flow within a business has become an increasingly demanding task and standing down employees may become the only option for some businesses. However employers should be aware there are various issues to be considered before standing down employees including their pay and leave entitlements. Further, there needs to be a causal link between COVID-19 and the downturn in business leading to an employee being stood down.

There are also a multitude of different social welfare payments that have recently become available for small businesses and employees who may have experienced a downturn in their revenue due to the pandemic.

Contact Daniel Morgan on 0412 425 568 for advice in relation to any specific queries.

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