Phoebe Kerin

Phoebe KerinPhoto Credit: Angie Rickard Photography


Background information
Phoebe is a Paralegal and Administration Manager at Morgan + English. She began working for Daniel Morgan and Annette English in October 2012.

Phoebe’s position as a former journalist with ‘The Land Newspaper’, has enabled her to build a unique position at the firm. Phoebe uses her skills as a writer to assist in drafting contracts and employment packages. Her background and interests in the equine & agriculture industries has provided her with the knowledge to understand and relate to our client’s specific needs.


Q & A
Q. Describe your ultimate holiday
I don’t do holidays, as I schedule them around horse shows. However, I would like white sandy beaches, and clear blue water…. As well as a never-ending esky of Carlton Dry.

Q. 3 people you would invite to dinner, dead or alive?
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis should make for a few good laughs (the office has now been educated on who they are). As well as Reiner Klimke so I could pick his brain to be half as good with horses as him and his daughter Ingrid.

Q. If you could be any animal what would you be?
Shorty my mini foxie, she gets more love and attention than I do!!

Shorty the mini foxie

Shorty the mini foxie

Photo Credit: Lisa Gordon

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