
Research is being undertaken into a new insecticide, derived from a rare Queensland Eucalypt, which targets pests of stored grain. The new product has the potential to generate significant benefits for the grain industry, particularly given the substantial financial loss caused by pests. The number of effective insecticides available for crop and grain protection has declined significantly in the last 20 years. This is a result of increased insecticide resistance as well as toxicology concerns. Research has shown that insects are unlikely to be resistant to the molecules in the unique, naturally based insecticide being developed. Bio-Gene Technology and BASF are partnering to carry on research into the active ingredient Flavocide, which has already proven successful in combination with existing chemistry. The goal is to commercialise the new insecticide, which should effectively control a wide range of insect pests. An additional benefit of the product is that it is safe to beneficial insects like bees.

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